7 EPISODES - Podcasts feature on:
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How do we tap into our powerful selves, without that excessive inner critic that says you 'can’t, you’re not worthy, you are going to fail'. How do we move forward towards our desires & dreams? What about the cycles of giving our power away and then feeling small?
In this episode journey with Dr. Rameet as she speaks with celebrity host Jill Nicolini about releasing the patterns that get in the way of staying anchored in our true inner-power.
PLUS receive the GIFT: "Step Into your Power: Self-Worth, Inner Light & Chakra Healing".
Do you feel a loss of direction - in yourself, in your identity, or in your life? You may have established routines, a job, and other things you do, but still, something inside feels like its missing.
What is missing is the deep connection to your core-self, a feeling of interconnection with all of life. You are missing your own presence.
So how do you get in touch with this part of yourself?
Dr. Rameet speaks with celebrity host Jill Nicolini and provides guidance on how to access remarkable inner wisdom from your body and energy field.
Plus receive the FREE guided meditation: "Intuitive Inner Listening: Messages of your Body, Heart & Soul".
Why is it so hard to let go of someone that is ultimately not good for us. We can spend months and years in these loops with people. We stay attached and then gets hurt by this person repeatedly.
Dr. Rameet explores with celebrity host Jill Nicolini about what is occurring within our psychology, energy, and emotions to keep us in these loops. Dr. Rameet offers guidance on how to overcome these pattern. Its time to stop chasing and actually RECEIVE the love that is best for us.
Plus receive the FREE gift, a guided meditation on "Inner Masculine & Feminine Healing - Self Intimacy & Self Love".
Your sad feelings need a specific kind of inner environment to heal and transform. We look at the 3 kinds of sad feelings from an energetic and spiritual perspective, and then explore how to hold space for your sad feelings so they can be set free.
Dr. Rameet talks with celebrity host Jill Nicolini and offers a KEY to healing process that she has been using with her client for over 12 years. Dr. Rameet also shares about how to work with the deeply feeling centered feminine body.
Plus receive the FREE guided meditation on "Remarkable Heart Chakra Healing - Self Love & Self-Compassion".
When we find ourselves in the over-doing yang energy, life can feel difficult and dull. We are out of synch with our joy, creativity, ease and flow.
In this episode Dr. Rameet talks with celebrity host Jill Nicolini about balancing our masculine & feminine energy. Questions such as how does it feel like when we are operating in this mode, and how to get into this mode, are answered. Learn about the feminine power to receive, and how to have your masculine energy working in balance and harmony with your feminine side.
Plus receive the FREE gift- a guided meditation on "Cosmic Union - Shiva Shakti Merging". Discover Self-intimacy, self-love & awakening.
Magnetism, yielding and allowing is how you let the force of nature create your magic. This wisdom is discussed in ancient scripture such as the Tao Te Ching, and can help us get out of the stress and addiction to ‘doing mode'.
Dr. Rameet speaks with Jill Nicolini and explores the path to alignment - how to manifest and magnetize a fulfilling life through ‘being’ state. The way is surrendering to the feminine flow of nature, and understanding the balance of your yang/masculine force. Feel ease in your life, and allow the spaciousness to receive more.
Plus receive the FREE guided meditation: "Letting Go & Letting Peace in - Deepest relaxation to Access Being".
Meaninglessness and questioning the purpose of your life, why am I here? This is deeper than sadness, this is an existential inquiry into the purpose of your life. Dr. Rameet shares wisdom with celebrity host Jill Nicolini on how to move from the state of feeling hopeless, unmotivated and passionless, to renewal, joy and expansion.
A powerful process came through in Dr. Rameet's inner healing journey, where she was shown from her inner-self, the steps to tap into the infinite possibility state and shift the unconscious patterns of self-doubts and restriction.
Plus receive a powerful FREE guided meditation on "Manifestation, Enter the Abundance Field - Frequency Upgrade to Elevate your World" .
It is my pleasure to offer you free learning materials, meditations & more! If you have enjoyed these resources, & would like to donate to support Rameet to continue to creating free offerings, please click below!
SOCIAL MEDIA: Receive Dr. Rameet regular shares.
Whats Next?
❌ If you feel incapable of fully expressing yourself, this can cause your feminine life-force energy to be restricted.
The result is emotional struggles, powerlessness & the fear of living out your greater visions & desires.
🌟 The True Feminine Rising program is a 4 month online journey that supports women in releasing feminine suppression & embodying their powerful divine feminine energy.
We address:
Goddess work, psychology, core belief system reprogramming, emotional healing, energetic clearing & chakra healing.
Stand in your true power & embody the courage to live your life authentically.
→ Learn more about the True Feminine Rising Program, plus access the FREE MASTERCLASS & EBOOK on Awakening Divine Feminine Power.
🌹 Contact, Lets get in touch!
IF you have any inquiries regarding services with Dr. Rameet - The True Feminine Rising Program, or any other questions, please send an email below!
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About Dr. Rameet Singh
Dr. Rameet has her Doctorate in Counselling Psychology from the University of Toronto. She is a holistic psychotherapist of over 12 years, a divine feminine life coach, speaker, author & artist.
Dr. Rameet has been featured on major television programs such as Rogers tv #No Filter show, and Parvasi Tv Well-Being Matters. She has created the podcast shows 5 Keys to Awakening with celebrity host Jill Nicolini, and The Divine Feminine Meditations Podcast.
As a researcher, Dr. Rameet’s 5-year major doctoral research examined the integration of yogic traditions in counselling and psychotherapy. Dr, Rameet published her major research paper on integrate yoga into psychology, psychotherapy and mental health care. She developed theTri-Process Model of Integrating Yoga into Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Dr. Rameet's research interests include exploring Eastern wisdom traditions and their incorporation into mental health care. She takes a multicultural and holistic approach in her client care.
Dr. Rameet has over 20 years of experience in studying and practicing yoga and meditation, mysticism, ancient wisdom teachings and ceremony. Dr. Rameet is also a black belt in martial arts with over 10 years of training.
Dr. Rameet has authored a book chapters in the published book You Have So Much Potential: Inspiring Generational Healing & Transformation, and self-authored two ebooks, True Feminine Rising, and Women's Tantra: Life as the Beloved.
Dr. Rameet facilitates powerful programs and workshops integrating psychology, eastern wisdom traditions, divine feminine awakening and the creative arts.
Or email me directly [email protected]